World Book Day 2024
What a brilliant day we all had celebrating World Book Day. Don't all the pupils look fabulous in their costumes with their favourite books?
Our theme for this year's World Book Day was 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears.' The teachers dressed as the characters from this book, read and dramatised the story for all pupils. Following this, through the various curriculum areas, pupils took part in a range of activities. In English pupils listened to a variety of stories based on the story, such as 'Goatilocks and the Three Bears', 'Goldie and the Three Hares' and 'Goldy Luck and the Three Pandas'. It was unanimously agreed that 'Goldie and the Three Hares was the favourite! Next the pupils took part in creative writing and wrote their own version of the story with fabulous storylines emerging. In Art, the pupils will be tasked with designing and illustrating a front cover for their story book. It is hoped to publish these stories in a book which will be available to all in the coming weeks. In Science the senior classes were tasked with the job of designing a new chair for poor baby bear using only newspaper and stick tape. Each chair design has to have at least four legs, a seat and a back and needs to hold baby bear for thirty seconds. Keep checking our website, Facebook page and Instagram for more pictures and find out who the winner of the best chair is!