Overview: Fourth Green-Schools Flag "Travel"
St.Comgall’s N.S. is taking part in the “Green-Schools” programme and is currently working on the Travel theme. It is our aim to promote sustainable travel to and from school and make the pupils and wider community more aware of sustainable travel modes.
We have been working on the Travel theme over the past two years. The pupils and wider community have learned and continue to learn lots on our journey. The Travel flag promotes good health and a more active lifestyle, benefiting not just our environment but our bodies too.
The Travel theme is funded by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and supported by the National Transport Authority. The ultimate aim of the theme is to increase the number of students walking, cycling, scooting, using public transport or carpooling on the way to school.
Therefore, the staff and pupils were delighted that on Thursday, 7th of May, 2020, we received confirmation from Cathy Baxter, Green Schools Manager, that our application for the renewal of our green flag was successful! Well done to all hard-working pupils on the Green-Schools committee for their wonderful enthusiasm, interest and effort in all “Travel” tasks over the last two years. Huge thanks also to our staff and a particular note of gratitude to our Green-Schools Co-ordinator, Mrs. Hagan for guiding us successfully to this award.
Due to Covid 19 restrictions an online celebration of “The Green-Schools Awards Ceremony” will take place at the end of May. The date has yet to be confirmed. On our safe return to school in the academic year 2020-2021 we will receive our Green flag and Certificate. Hopefully we will be in a position to celebrate with a flag raising day at St. Comgall’s N.S., when possible, and in adherence to government regulations.