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St. Comgall's National School, Connons, Clones, Co. Monaghan

Continued Professional Development

20th Sep 2020

After a survey and discussion with teachers it was felt that the one strand of the PE curriculum that was not being utilised to its potential was the strand ‘Outdoor and Adventure Activities’.

Outdoor recreation or outdoor activity refers to recreation engaged in out of doors, most commonly in natural settings and involves exceptional excitement, physical challenge and sometimes a little bit of risk!  

In collaboration with Monaghan Sports Partnership and Irish Orienteering Association, Mrs Ann Marie Pennell (Junior Class teacher) undertook an intensive course in orienteering and adventure activities at Tanagh Outdoor Education and Training Centre, Cootehill, Co. Cavan. Her newly acquired skills were subsequently shared with the other teachers. Now with improved confidence and skills it is hoped that all children will soon be budding orienteerers undertaking risky and exciting activities in our local surroundings.