Climate Change Workshop
On Friday the 14th of February 2020 the pupils attended a workshop on Climate Change facilitated by Sorcha Brophy, An Taisce.
The pupils were shown how “Climate Change” is one of the defining issues of our time and its impacts are being felt globally.
- Rise in sea level
- More intense storms and rainfall events
- Increased likelihood and magnitude of river and coastal flooding
- Water shortages in the summer
- Adverse impacts on water quality
- Changes in distribution of plant and animal species
Through discussion work and a PowerPoint presentation they navigated the science behind climate change and the actions which individuals can take to reduce their carbon footprint.
- Turn off lights, TVs, computers, when you do not need them.
- Unplug! Any electronic gadget you can turn on with a remote (TV, DVD player, Nintendo, Xbox) uses power even when it is "off."
- Turn down the thermostat on the heating when it's cold. Sweaters, blankets, and socks are good for you and better for the planet.
- Walk or cycle your bike instead of taking the car everywhere.
- If you must travel by car, carpool.
- Remember No Engine Idling!
Everyone can do their bit! It’s about making simple changes, better choices and becoming better global citizens. Our choices don’t just affect us, they affect the whole world.